Elina Jaberi

Hi, my name is Elina Jaberi and I was born in 2014 in Tehran,Iran. Now I’am about seven years old and I’ve just finished the first year of my study. I always sick for making my mom and dad happy with my activities.

Gymnastics and Ballet dance are my favorite job which I do really love. I’ve recieved some awards in these fields.

Dramatic gestures
Years of experience

My activities in a day

As I go to school and my first goal is success, my mom always tells me to study my lesson first. Because study is more important than playing games.

Hence, the time that I spend for studying is very vital for me. From Saturday to Wednesday I go to school from morning to noon. After that, I spend some time to do my homework.

Whenever I’ve done my homework, I go for playing games and hobbies. Sometimes, I watch cartoons and animations on Tv. And sometimes I play console games. But, as I said before, I spend a lot of time on my Gymnastics exercise.

After I do all of my duty, it is the time to say goodnight to my mom and dad and sleep.